Wednesday, December 15, 2010

National Health (service?)

I am so not impressed. Since I hurt my wrist over a month ago, I've been attending the local A&E, where they've x-rayed it a dozen times, and found no break. The swelling's gone down, the yellow bruising on both side has faded, but since the wrist is weak (can't do press ups on it), and the thumb and outer fingers feel a bit woolly, I'm following doctor's advice and continue to wear the splint, and not driving.

But now I'm out of A&E and under the care of orthopaedics, it's getting silly. Orthopaedics doctor said that he'd like a scan of the ligament, and that's fine. Having to wait a couple of weeks for the scan is okay too, even though I'd like the go ahead to drive again. Then I'm supposed to see the orthopedic doctor again a week after the scan, but apparently he has no appointments available until the end of April. APRIL! Now that is totally ludicrous. Ridiculous. Why waste money on a scan, an expensive MRI scan, if you can't use the information within days if not weeks?

Maybe the orthopaedics department will bring the appointment forward, but in the meantime, this wrist aches no more than other parts of my body that I haven't taken to A&E, so I'm going to drive again next week.

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